You all probably thought I was dead or stopped blogging, but NO! I am still here I have just been too busy with everything, even so much it came to a point where my life was on a stand-by. But I am back now luckily! I have many things planned, so please stay tuned!
I am now really positive I will have my camera for my birthday so that I can do my transformation! I also just dyed my hair, I got split-hair! Which I will show in my next entry. And in not long I will have nails done as well, and I 'lost' the brace. Becoming a real beauty queen, wohoo! ~
Back to the topic: This time I will just post a small review on a product recieved from the danish makeup-store Matas. Their products are avialable at their website: www.matas.dk (however, I don't know if they ship outside scandinavia!) Plaisir is Matas' own brand, along with their original stripes-brand. Plaisir is more luxury, but also a tad' more expensive. They have 3 different eyecreams to choose from, and I choose the one with an anti wrinkle effect!
No perfum, full of different vitamins and no parabens doesn't sound too bad, right?
This is the cute little eyecream. The shape and look of it is so adorable, it's no shame having it inside my bathroom closet! I'd gladly show it to everyone willing to see! It's light and easy, and the shape almost reminds me of my EOS lipbalms.
(Oh okay - it's anti wrinkle EYE care!)
Did this picture to give you an idea of how small it is. It's about 2½ of my fingers, which isn't really big, but they are not very expensive either. However, I got this eyecream from saving up enough points (Join Matas and everytime you buy you'll get points, and save up to get something for free)!
It's "insides" looks so eat-able and yummy and well.. almost fluffy!It's just like a good cream should be. It's light on the skin and disappears into your skin quickly and unmessy, and it's one of those few products where there is actually quite much cream inside - it's not just a pretty bottle!
So what do I think?
I don't have wrinkles yet, so for that part, I am not sure. But the creams feels great and refreshing, almost gives my eyes a cooling effect. No perfums and parabens are always a plus when it comes to taking care of your eyes, and there's lots of product in the bottle!
I'll give it 4/5 stars